Horizon House Horizon House is being secured Huis Horison is located on 14.47 Ha of land on the outskirts of a residential…Lauren Pillay4th August 2022
Horizon House We are planting trees! We are planting trees! With funding from Investec CSI in April this year, Horizon House…Lauren Pillay4th August 2022
Horizon House Verbruikerstevredenheidstudie Mei 2022 ‘n Vraelys is aan ouers/voogde van 112 permanente inwoners en 35 dagwerkers gestuur,…Lauren Pillay4th August 2022
Horizon House Mev Bresler tree af na 20 jaar “Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion.” Buddah Op…Lauren Pillay4th August 2022
Horizon House Village Vrydae Die “Village Vrydae” is dinamies en ontwikkel aanhoudend, met die doel om ons inwoners se…Lauren Pillay4th August 2022
Horizon House A Rewarding Journey Dick and Trixie have been devoted volunteers at Huis Horison, through the Pets as Therapy…Lauren Pillay4th August 2022
Horizon House ‘n Plek van Sorg en Troos Meer as net 'n kliniek... By Huis Horison se kliniek word getroos, pleisters geplak, gesonde…Lauren Pillay4th August 2022
Horizon House Op die skouers van die Marais Tannie Alta Marais is die ma van Huibrie Marais, wat ‘n jare lange geliefde inwoner…Lauren Pillay2nd August 2022