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Vierbal-inskrywing / Four ball entry

R3 400 oggendveld en R3 900 middagveld (aandete & halfweghuis ingesluit / dinner & halfway house include: Kompetisie formaat / Competition format: 4 Ball Alliance Stableford (twee tellings tel op alle gate / two scores count on all holes)
Wanneer ons u inskrywingsvorm en bewys van betaling ontvang, sal ons 'n lys van beskikbare afslaantye aan u stuur. When we receive your entry form and proof payment, we will send you a list of available t-off times.

Borgopsies / Sponsorship options

*Subject to availability / Onderhewig aan beskikbaarheid
*Subject to availability / Onderhewig aan beskikbaarheid
Pryse vir vierballe (d.w.s. vier van dieselfde item), items vir die “goodie bags”, asook veilingitems Prizes for four balls (i.e. four of the same item), items for the goodie bags as well as items to be auctioned:
Alle betaling moet asb. ontvang wees voor of op / All payments to be received on or before:

8 Maart / March 2020

Bank besonderhede:
Account: Horizon House
Bank: Nedbank Business Winelands
Current Account: 1498 044 247
Branch code: 149 821
Reference: Golf day, Company name/Individual name