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A bequest is a donation from your deceased estate. You can bequeath cash, shares or any other form of property to Horizon House.

The benefits of a bequest to Horizon House

  • A bequest to Horizon House is exempt from estate duty, regardless of the size of the donation. You can bequeath a fixed amount or a certain percentage of the remaining portion of your estate.
  • You can choose how the bequest should be used.
  • Your bequest will continue to make a positive difference to the lives of the residents at Horizon House long after your death.

How do I arrange a bequest?

It is easy to bequeath money or other assests to Horizon House. All you need to do is add a paragraph or codicil to your existing will (see example of codicils below). You can also discuss your wishes about a bequest to the person drawing up your will in order to make the required changes. All information on bequests is treated as confidential. Please contact us at or on telephone 021 887 5080.

Examples of bequests

  • Unrestrained: I bequeath the amount of R_______________ (or a certain percentage of the remaining portion of my estate) to Horizon House. The board of directors and management of Horizon House may apply the said amount (or remaining portion) at their discretion.
  • Deserving resident: I bequeath the amount of R_______________ (or a certain percentage of the remaining portion of my estate) to Horizon House to cover the accommodation and/or other costs of a deserving resident. Should the board of directors and management of Horizon House at any stage be of the opinion that this bequest is no longer being applied effectively, this bequest can be used for any other purpose that, according to them, honours my wishes.
  • Investment: I bequeath the amount of R_______________ (or a certain percentage of the remaining portion of my estate) to Horizon House, subject to the condition that the amount must be invested at the discretion of the board of directors and management and that the interest is used where it is needed.
  • Life assurance policy: I bequeath the returns of my …………………………………………………. (e.g. Sanlam or Old Mutual policy), Number ………………………………………………. to Horizon House. The said returns must be used at the discretion of the board of directors and management. (Or: The said returns must be invested at the discretion of the board of directors and management, and the income from such investment, and not the capital, can be used based on what is needed at that stage.)

Codicil (appendix) to existing will

Here is an example of a codicil to a will:

Codicil to a will

I (We), _________________________________________________ (name and surname)

bequeath the amount of R________________________________________ (written out),

or a percentage of _________________ % of the remainder of my/our estate

to Horizon House.

Signed on the ….. day of ……………………………………………at …………………………..

…………………………. in the presence of the undersigned witnesses:

As witnesses:

  1. ………………………………………………
  1. ………………………………………………


Signature of testator/testatrix



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