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It’s always a treat to chat with one of the Rheeder brothers, who love to share stories about their family and friends, or their fun childhood adventures.

Johan and Pieter Rheeder are now 41 years old and have been part of the Horizon House family for the past 12 years. They are proud of their place of heritage, Porterville, and love to share fond memories of this quaint Swartland town, even though their family have since moved to Wellington, where they now visit over holidays and weekends.

Their dad worked for Nature conservation for 45 years; therefore they were lucky enough to have spent part of their childhood in the Groot Winterhoek Nature Reserve. They will tell you how they swam in the rockpools and observed eagles. Even though their dad has since passed away, Johan is proud that he still has is dad’s old binoculars and loves catching sight of a fish eagle and other birdlife at Horizon House’s dam.

Another exciting memory is of mountain fires, when they would head off with their dad to help fill the helicopters and take supplies to the firefighters. They loved their dad very much and miss him, but still have their mom, sister and brother who they love dearly, and visit regularly, and enjoy holidays with family in Betty’s Bay.

Johan, in particular, is very social and enjoys looking up old friends. A highlight for him was the most recent school reunion that they attended because he loves connecting with acquaintances, and maintaining friendships.

Johan and Pieter are happy to have each other and are good friends, even though they work in different work areas. Johan is involved in the sanding and restoration of furniture and also enjoys painting of the wooden toys. Previously he worked in the gardening team with Oom Vissie. Pieter is happy with his work in the recycling team.

Although they are identical twins and support each other, they are both distinct individuals. At Horizon House they can live, work and socialise and be recognized in their own right, each with their own favourite pastimes and circle of friends, and each with their own special girlfriend.

Our approach is that the lives of all our residents are precious and they need all the facets required for a meaningful life – such as acknowledgement, human dignity and hope. We cannot follow a one-size-fits-all approach, therefore individual recognition and a client-centered approach are key.

As a non-profit company we rely on the involvement of the community and need your support to offer each person in our care group a meaningful life. There are various ways in which you can help:

  • Make a donation or a monthly contribution,
  • Get involved in our planned projects (see newsletter insert), especially contributing towards security fencing, which is currently our highest priority,
  • Open your heart and sponsor one of our needy residents monthly,
  • Make a bequest in your will,
  • Tell a friend or colleague about Horizon House,
  • Make Horizon House a beneficiary on your MySchool card,
  • Donate or sponsor products, or your professional services.

Please visit our website or contact us if you need more information.

The Horizon House family would like to thank you for your interest in Johan and Pieter and in all our residents and dayworkers. We wish you a blessed Easter with your loved ones.


Yours sincerely,

Elza C Bresler
Executive Director

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