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Volunteer at our Workrooms

If you would like to become more closely involved with the residents and day workers in their daily work areas at the centre and would like to volunteer your time on a regular basis, there are opportunities to become involved in the daily work programmes.

We currently need help in our WOODWORK department and welcome any volunteers for this area.

We have regular volunteers who have been part of the centre for years, and have fondly become entrenched in the lives of our residents.

Please contact us to discuss where you feel you want to make a difference.


Be the change.

Are you a sports person, and doing a fantastic event? Or having a special birthday? Start your own fundraising campaign and do your part for a cause.

Create a campaign on Givengain and ask your friends and family to make a pledge, or donate to charity in lieu of a gift. Check the leaderboards for the campaign.

By raising funds for Horizon House, you help us to holistically care for our residents and day workers, and make a difference in their lives.

Donate via GivenGain

Volunteer Application Form

Please fill in our Volunteer Application form and we will contact you.

Individual Volunteer Application FormGroup Volunteer Application Form

Help at events

Join our circle of friends

The Circle of Friends consists of parents, family members and friends of the residents, as well as members of the general public who are actively involved with projects and functions at the centre. They assist by helping to organise and host stalls at the fête, help at the golf day or volunteer their skills at any one of our other functions.


  • Baking Pancakes on 4 November and /or 19 November 2023
  • General help at any of the stalls
  • Helpers and Marshals at the Trail Run (for Early Birds)
  • Help in our bakery from 16 Oct to 17 Nov 2023

If you are a keen photographer, artist, sportsman, food lover or more, come and live your passion while helping a cause. Please contact to become involved.

Advocate our cause

Friendship funding

If you do not want to join Horizon House’s Circle of Friends, you can still make a valuable contribution. Friendship funding provides people who are Friends of Horizon House with the opportunity to recruit new friends to become involved and to support us. The essence of friendship funding is friends caring for friends or a casue they would like to support. Friends can do the following:

  • Receive regular communication (e-mail and printed newsletters) and remain up to date with our news and events
  • Invite prospective new friends to join as a friend
  • Host a dinner for 10 to 20 friends and invite us to do a short presentation to tell them more about Horizon House.
  • Directly investing money in a trust in order for Horizon House to benefit from the proceeds.

How to become a friend of Horizon House: Become a friend of Horizon House and we will keep you updated on news and happenings at Horizon House. You will also receive our free newsletter. Please contact for further information.


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