Horizon House is based on the edge of a residential neighbourhood, bordering on the surrounding farms. Our long term vision is to optimise the use of our 14.47 Ha property; to secure, restore and conserve the environment as part of an overarching Ecotherapy program, and harness the existing features to its full potential to the benefit of the intellectually disabled residents and day workers at Horizon House
To date, one of our biggest challenges is the fact that our property is not fenced in, exposing the centre to theft and vandalism of the infrastructure, incurring huge expenses as a result, not mentioning security concerns for our residents and all persons on our property. The exuberant costs of fencing is, however, out of reach of a non-profit entity.
It is therefore a huge announcement that we have received the necessary support to be able to install a fence along the outer boundary of our property in 2022.
This will allow us to create a safe environment for our residents to enjoy the outdoors, connect with nature and reap the therapeutic benefits thereof. Together with this, we will be able to:
- Grow vegetables, herbs and plants as part of our Agri-gardening program
- Eradicate alien vegetation, and protect and plant indigenous trees and plants
- Chip the green waste and use this for the gardening, and building of the walking path. Read more about the path here https://www.huishorison.org.za/en/our-future/
To create a safe environment and in doing so, unlock the full potential of the available space. This will allow:
- our residents to fully benefit from the environment, enabled through the vehicle of an Ecotherapy program – including (but not limited to) horticultural therapy, conservation activities, physical exercise in a natural environment, environmental care and maintenance, nature meditation, animal assisted therapy, with an emphasis on creating and developing a healing and a welcoming place for all.
- to make a positive contribution to the environment and the protection of the indigenous environment.
- further development of the infrastructure to cater for a wider variety of disabled people.
- that the centre welcome other disabled and elderly persons from the community.
We will still need more funds for the securing of the adjacent wetland area, therefore we ask to you consider making a contribution, no matter big or small, towards this goal. To donate, click here.