Horizon House is a Non Profit company which can issue ART18A receipts (receipts for a public benefit organisation).
As per the New Regulations for Section 18A Tax Receipts issued 1 March 2023, the following information must be included on from a Section 18A Tax Receipt issued in terms of section 18A(2)(a) of the Income Tax Act:
• Type of Donor (natural person, company, trust, etc.);
• Donor Identification type and country of issue (in case of a natural person)
• Identification or registration number of the donor;
• Tax reference number of the donor (if available);
• Contact number of the donor
• E-mail address of the donor
• Trading name of the donor (if different from the registered name)
• Physical or postal address
Please click here to submit your Art 18A details.
Horizon House underwrites the Disability Rights Charter of South Africa.
Company information
- Registration as Section 21 company: 2008/026927/08
- Registration as not-for-profit company: NPO 003-306
- Registration as Section 18A company: 18\11\13\1871
- VAT registration: 4590129161
- BEE evaluation: B-BBEE status of Level 4 contributor
- Auditors: Moore Stellenbosch