Skryf in: Horison Challenge Veldwedloop – 2 November 2024


Pre Entries are closed. Enter on the day from 06:00.

Resies begin en eindig by die Huis Horison Kermis wat 'n fantastiese uitstappie is vir die hele familie, by Huis Horison in Onder-Papegaaiberg, Stellenbosch. Kom geniet o.a. 'n feestelike ontbyt, pannekoek, koffie of koue bier by die kermis, sowel as menige ander kos en goedere-stalletjies, sowel as aktiwiteite vir die kinders! 3km, 5km, 10km roetes beskikbaar.

Tye sal geneem word.

Die resies begin en eindig by Huis Horison, en die roetes is 'n kombinasie van paadjies deur Huis Horison en Middelvlei Wynlandgoed.

Resies inligtingsessie (alle hardlopers): 07:00
10km : 07:05
5km: 07:10
3km: 07:15

Kinders is welkom maar hulle MOET ten alle tye deur 'n volwassene vergesel word.

Vroeëinskrywings sluit 29 Oktober en laat inskrygins sal op die dag geneem word vanaf 06:00.

Enter below, or through Entry Ninja.

Inskrywingsfooie (vooraf inskrywings sluit 29 Okt)

10km – R150
5km – R120
3km – R50

Laat inskrywings (oggend 06:00 - 06:45)

10km – R170
5km – R140
3km – R60


**Jammer maar GEEN HONDE word toegelaat op die 5km of 10km roete nie! **

(Dogs are ONLY allowed on the 3km route)

Om meer as een persoon in te skryf, kies die afstand en skryf eerste persoon in, kies "voeg by mandjie". Kies '" Continue Shopping" en vir die 2e persoon, gaan weer na die reseis en herhaal die proses. Vir hulp kontak

Ons bedank graag ons borge:

  Nicolet Smit

Collect at the breakfast stall after the race.

I/we agree to enter and participate in the Horison Challenge entirely at my own risk and are fully aware of the risks and hazards involved in participating in this event. I/we indemnify the organisers, sponsors, land owners, Huis Horison and any person assisting in the organisation of the event against any and all liability whatsoever or claims of damages or actions whatsoever (including negligence) in any manner arising out of my/our participation in this event. I/we understand that I/we must be medically fit to take part in this race. I/we give consent to organisers to be photographed, which may be used for promotional purposes of any kind at any time in the future.

I, the minor’s parent and/or legal guardian, understand tha nature of athletic activities and the minor’s experience and capabilities and believe the minor to be qualified, in good health, and in proper phsical condition to participate in such activity and I enter into this indemnity/waiver on behalf of the minor. I agree that all minors under 14 years will be accompanied by an adult for the duration of the race.

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3km, 5km, 10km

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3km, 5km, 10km